June Jobs
Jobs to do in the flower garden.
Keep on top of the weeds so that your plants are not having to compete for water, light & nutrients. A hoe can be used in dry weather & on windy days the weeds dry up quickly. Try to weed in short bursts to avoid back strain & boredom.
If you mow the lawn weekly but let the cuttings fall onto the lawn to feed it. Consider leaving an area of uncut grass for wildlife or even leaving all the lawn uncut if you would like to have a more wildlife friendly garden. Even only mowing your lawn every 5-6 weeks helps as it allows time for some of the smaller wildflowers to grow & provides a habitat for smaller mammals. June is the first time to cut a lawn planted with bulbs. Any bare patches should green up again in autumn or after a few days of rain so unless your lawn is newly seeded or turfed it should not be watered.
As the risk of frost has passed hanging baskets & containers can be hardened off & moved outside. Bedding plants can be planted out.
Shade the greenhouse to prevent plant leaf scorch & keep the interior cool. Leave the door & windows open on warm days. Keep the floor clean to discourage pests & diseases.
Lift & divide bluebells & snowdrops. Lift & divide any other overcrowded bulbs & larger clumps of perennials that have outgrown their space now rather than autumn so that the plants have time to develop a good root system before they face colder weather.
Cut back spring or early summer flowering shrubs – Ribes, Kerria, Choisya, Chaenomeles, Weigelia, Lilac & Philadelphus. Prune out any dead or twiggy growth.
Cut back spring flowering perennial plants - Pulmonaria & Brunnera to encourage fresh foliage. New leaves usually grow back bigger & are very attractive.
Trim hedges if required but check for any nesting birds before cutting.
Clematis - Prune early season(winter to late spring) flowering varieties. Clematis armandii if it has grown too large. Prune out dead stems & overcrowded shoots of evergreen Clematis once they have finished flowering to maintain a good shape. Clematis alpina, macropetala, armandii, cirrhosa & their cultivars fall into this category.
Wisteria – Prune back all long side shoots to 20 cm to promote good flowering next spring.
Tie in new growth on climbing plants – Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wisteria & climbing & rambling roses.
Spray any roses showing signs of black spot, powdery mildew or rust. Pick off any leaves showing symptons & remove dead leaves from around the plants.
Remove any green shoots on variegated plants back to the base.
Check plants in the garden & containers for vine weevil damage especially if you have had vine weevil problems before. June is a good month to use vine weevil control as the larvae become active in June.
Give container plants & Delphiniums a liquid feed every few weeks to ensure good flowering.
Cut back oriental poppies to the ground after flowering to stimulate new growth. The poppies will not re-flower but will be stronger plants next year if cut back & your garden also looks tidier.
Deadhead repeat flowering roses. Leave on other roses for the seed-heads to give extra interest in winter.
Stake taller growing perennials to prevent wind damage.
Pinch out tips of Fuchsias if you want to encourage bushier plants.
June is a good time for planting shrubs & perennials as they will settle in quickly & grow away well especially Achillea, Alstromeria, Coreopsis & Erigeron.
Towards the end of June cut back hardy Geraniums if they have finished flowering to encourage new leaf growth & more flowers.
Water newly laid turf several times a week for the first month.
Cut flower heads off Lavender if you want to dry them to use them in crafts or baking.
Plant marginal plants – Arum lilies, Marsh Marigolds & Primulas around the edges of the pond.
Clear the pond of duckweed & blanket weed regularly.
Enjoy picking your Sweet Peas regularly to encourage continuous flowering.
Jobs to do in the fruit garden.
Plant out strawberry plants.
Check fruit trees for woolly aphids.
Cover developing & ripening fruit with netting or fleece to protect from birds.
Tie in new shoots of blackberries, raspberries, loganberries & other cane fruits.
Rejuvenate chives by cutting back to the base for a fresh crop of new leaves in a few weeks.